Great candidate qualities: Tips from our consultants
Peoplebank consultants work with candidates and clients all day every day. One of the most important parts of our job is to understand the clients wants and needs. When we have a clear understanding, not only can we go and find the best candidate for them, but we can offer our candidates the best advice surrounding their job search journey.
Here are some of the most promising candidate qualities, according to our consultants:
1. “The combination of technical and communication skills is what most clients seek. Specifically, the ability to explain what you do to a non-technical audience and what it means to them.”
2. “The ability to speak about their achievements and where they can add value to a potential employer rather than just listing duties and responsibilities.”
3. “Business acumen and speaking ‘laymen’s’ terms.”
4. “I’d say any candidates who are willing to tweak/update their resume after speaking to you and finding out more about the role, obviously without fabricating anything. Also, I’d say the candidates who are keen to find out more about the interview and they what they’ll be asked, within reason. Enthusiasm is always a good sign!”
5. “Candidates who show they’ve prepared and have a keen interest to learn about the company they’re meeting tend to perform well in interviews.”
6. “Definitely making hard to understand concepts and skills simpler and easier to digest.”
It seems like there is a consensus that good communication skills are vital, especially in terms of making difficult topics easy to understand. Our consultants also clearly see the value in someone who puts the effort in and is not only smart but enthusiastic about their journey.