Where are technology skills heading in 2016?

Next year will see increased demand for user experience, data science and cyber security skills, with non-traditional forms of education gaining traction in the market, according to analysts.

“If I’m an insurance company or a telecommunications company or I’m Woolworths, it’s what my consumer experience looks like when they are interfacing with me via their laptop or their mobile phone or their tablet,” added Peter Acheson from Peoplebank.


“So there’s a lot of investment going into the area of simplifying, making the user interface simple and easy to do business with.”

Demand for data science and data analytics skills will also increase next year. Acheson said a good portion of Peoplebank’s clients are looking to create data science and analytics teams in the coming year, mostly around building recommender systems based on customers’ purchasing history in relation to other data sources such as location and demographics.

To read the full article please click here.

Appeared in: CIO.com.au
Author: Rebecca Merrett
Date: December 2015

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